Featured in NZ Herald and Viva Magazine April 6, 2022A proud moment for Somni NZ to be featured in national publications like NZ Herald and Viva Magazine. Thank you to our community for helping us get there.
Sleep, anxiety and depression February 21, 2022Sleep problems can take a toll on one's mental health. Whether it's anxiety at night or depression, this article is a first-hand account of overcoming poor sleep.
Weighted Blanket vs My Insomnia February 15, 2022In this article, we go over the benefits of weighted blankets for insomnia. How a heavy blanket for sleeping can put your body and mind at ease.
Benefits of Sleep and Napping September 14, 2021Sleep is a key pillar in our overall health but is too often sacraficed. In this article we explore the benefits of good sleep and the risks of lack of...
Creating a Sleep Ritual That Works August 24, 2021In this article, we walk you through how to fall asleep easier and wake up more energised by using bedtime rituals in your evening routine.